

12:32:12 AM

 Subject:  Art Handler, MGG Warehouse

Packd crates for ADAA, Pulled books out of crates and into bins for ADAA, unwrapped, inspected with E.J., and re-wrapped the Baldessarri series painted by various sign painters in the 1970's, pulled out 2 Jeff Walls light boxes from the back, (shuffled crates to get to them) opened them, painted the ends of the cleats white,  checked the edition numbers (there weren't any on the pieces, only on the crates), packed  and marked one "1 of 7" and the other left as "1 of 8".re-packed 1 of 7 for shipment, then repacked 1 of 8  for storage -reshuffled crates to put it back). etcd. Had soup for lunch.
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